RIMAS, the Risk and Insurance Management Association of Singapore is a non-profit organisation founded in 1988 and dedicated to advancing the discipline and practice of risk management.
How RIMAS was formed: There was the first risk management conference held in Singapore in 1986, under the sponsorship of the Risk and Insurance Management Society (RIMS) of America, the oldest and biggest risk management organisation in the world then. This spurred some risk management professionals who attended the conference to hold a forum in 1987 to gauge the reception of forming a similar association in Singapore. The forum was well attended by risk managers, insurance brokers, underwriters and others.
Shortly after the forum, a two-day risk management seminar was organised for the Housing and Development Board (HDB). Encouraging feedback and endorsement received from the participants confirm the need for a risk management association to be formed in Singapore. The Risk and Insurance Management Association of Singapore (RIMAS) was officially registered on 18 April 1988.
Everyone is a Risk Manager - Everyone in any organization sees herself/himself a risk manager being equipped with risk management knowledge and tools to effectively manage the risks and opportunities associated with the business she/he is in.
To lead and promote risk management in industry, commerce, government and the community.
Provide a forum for the exchange of data, ideas and opinion amongst risk and insurance management practitioners in industry, commerce and the community
Update members on technical matters & current practices relating to risk and insurance management
Promote the understanding of the nature and purpose of risk and insurance management through courses, conferences, seminars, workshops, discussion and study tours
Act as a body of informed opinion in dealing with trade and market associations with other bodies.
Promotes professionalism in risk management, and provides educational opportunities for its members' representatives.